
Stalin, The Red Terror
Stalin, The Red Terror Seth Cohen 1 Vues • 13 journées depuis

A Comprehensive Documentary on Joseph Stalin's Brutal Regime, Mass Killings, and Ambition to Create a Communist Utopia in the Soviet Union

00:00 🇷🇺 Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, is celebrated as a hero but is actually one of the greatest criminals in history.
8:41 🌍 Stalin's ambition to create a communist utopia in the Soviet Union is met with challenges and a deteriorating quality of life for the population.
16:49 🔴 Stalin's brutal reign and his implementation of political trials and mass repressions.
25:02 😢 Stalin's famine in Ukraine leads to the death of millions of people, while the French delegation is deceived by propaganda.
33:08 😱 The construction of the Stalin Canal was a tragic and cruel event, resulting in the deaths of thousands of prisoners and ultimately being a failure.
41:38 ⚡ The Great Terror: Stalin's purges and executions
50:02 😔 Stalin fails to recognize the threat of Hitler and the Soviet Union is unprepared for war.
59:46 🇷🇺 Stalin's leadership during World War II, including the Battle of Stalingrad, solidified the Soviet Union as a superpower.
1:10:23 🇷🇺 Stalin celebrates victory in Berlin and demands half of Europe at the Potsdam Conference.
1:18:55 🌍 The people of Grigny wish a happy birthday to Stalin and praise his leadership.

Through the most significant events of his time, we discover the legacy of terror and destruction that Stalin bequeathed to his people.
On March 9, 1953, Joseph Stalin died in Moscow. His funeral was that of a demigod. Last irony of one of the worst criminals in the history of the 20th century, who brought misery to his people while creating a collective admiration. During more than 30 years of absolute rule, millions of people died.
With Stalin's policy the standard of living fell. The poverty of the early 1930s was evident on the streets of Moscow. In his labor re-education camps, better known as the Gulag, he imprisoned 18 million Russians, turning them into slaves. Machiavellian and paranoid, Stalin invented the impeachment trial, where sentences were set before the start of the hearing. He starved 7,000,000 peasants to death as punishment for refusing his revolution. He had fooled the entire world through false propaganda campaigns.
During World War II, Adolf Hitler set out to destroy Stalin. On June 16, 1941, three million soldiers attacked the USSR. The Nazis took over the city of Stalingrad, which was finally liberated by Russian troops in November 1942. In February 1943 the German troops surrendered. With this victory, Stalin became the first leader to defeat Hitler, which gave him the recognition of the international community.

What Caused the Extinction of Giant Insects? | Full Documentary
What Caused the Extinction of Giant Insects? | Full Documentary Seth Cohen 0 Vues • 13 journées depuis

Today, insects are no longer giant except in our nightmares… But 320 million years ago, dragonflies measuring up to a meter (Meganeura) or centipedes the size of a human (Arthropleura) dominated the land and air.
Over the course of time, these fascinating giants became smaller and smaller… before disappearing altogether. But who was responsible for their extinction? Scientists long believed that the decrease in oxygen after the Carboniferous period explained their disappearance. Insects are devoid of lungs and bloodstream and rely on microscopic holes on their bodies to oxygenate: the current composition of the air would suffocate their organs and paralyze their limbs. But this theory was put into question in 2009 when large fossils of Meganeuras that survived the oxygen depletion were discovered in the South of France… In 2012 others animals were suspected as being the source of the giant insects’ downfall. An American study points to prehistoric birds who were fierce predators and could have exercised pressure on insects and contributed to reducing their size… At the same time, a small Pterosaur was discovered in Germany, proving that these flying reptiles could also be aerial acrobats specialized in insect hunting. By combining state of the art scientific experiment, reconstitutions using CGI and interviews with paleontologists, stones will speak and explain why giant insects became extinct. Here is the true story of the conquest of the air.
Directors: Emma Baus and Bertrand Loyer

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