
Sennenhund, called Swiss mountain dogs or Swiss cattle dogs in English, are a type of dog originating in the Swiss Alps. The Sennenhund are farm dogs of the general molosser type. There are four breeds of Sennenhund, all sporting a unique tricolor coat. While the two larger ones share a heavy build and a calm temperament, the two smaller ones are more agile. The breeds range from medium in size to very large. The name Sennenhund refers to people called Senn or Senner, Swiss alpine herdsmen and dairymen, and does not translate as "mountain" or "cattle".
Character: Lively dog full of temperament, intelligent, untiring, affectionate and obedient.
Particularity: The Entlebuch and the Appenzell been trained as guide dogs for the blind, in defence and for rescue work in avalanches and catastrophes, gaining the nickname of “police officer dog” . -
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"People were scared of him, and also he was scared of the people," says Babby Salamshyda of her father, Ugandan dictator Idi Amin Dada. One of the people who provoked Amin's fear was a member of his own family who planned to overthrow him. The film dramatizes the events of March 26, 1974, when Amin set in motion a plan to quell this familial threat.
A day in life of a dictator full documentary

Currently 80% of our energy comes from finite fossil fuels, and huge global increase in energy consumption is inevitable. Renewable energies alone will not satisfy our needs. While nuclear energy is often associated with fission and its dangers, scientists across the world are trying to master its bright side. Nuclear fusion is a safe, clean and unlimited source of energy. But unfortunately, it is incredibly difficult to master.
Full Documentary: Building Green - Sun on Earth -
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